You will find three selections under the inventory Menu.
1. Product
Click Inventory->Product, on the right hand side of the screen will show you the listing of all your exisiting products.
From this page you are able to “Create” “Update” “Delete” a product, also can import products from a csv file or export all your products to a file.
Use this functin to create a new product.
- Click Inventory->Product menu to see the product list.
- In product list, press Create button.
- In the new product window, fill in all information
- Press OK button to save it.
To change a product detail:
- Click Inventory->Product menu to see the product list.
- Select a product in the list and then press Update button. Or click
button at the end of each product.
- In the product update window, modify any information you want
- press OK button to save it.
To delete a product, you can:
- Select a product in product list
- Press Delete button
- A confirm window will propup to ask your continue or not.
- Click Yes if you really want to detele i. or No to cancel.
*Note: If you delete a product which curerntly used in a planogram, the product name will be changed to NONE automatically.
Import Product list from a csv file.
*NOTE: This function is designed for users who familary with csv files only.
Export all products to PDF/Excel/CSV file.
2. Brands
Brands refers to the brand of your products ie Cadbury, Nestle, Coca Cola, Schweppes etc.
Click Inventory->Brand, on right hand side of the screen, will display brand list. Very similar to Proudct menu, you have following functions:
- Create: Add a new brand into the list.
- Update: select a brand in the list and then press this button to modify it
- Delete: select a brand in the list and then press this button to delete it.
- Refresh: Reload all brand data from the database, and refresh the list.
- Import: Import Brand list from a csv file.
- Export: Export all brands to PDF/Excel/CSV file.
3. Category
Category refers to the type of product. Could be confectionary, frozen meals, cookies or energy drinks. It all depends what you want from the system to how many categories you should have.
Similar to Product and Brand, You can also do following operation in Category:
Create, Update, Delete, Refresh, Import, Export.