Moving machines from location to location is quite common things to do. You can choose one of the methods to do the changes in our system which ever suite you best:
For example, move machine from "ABC" to location "DEF".
1. Change Location Info directly
This is the most easiest case, just simply
- Go to System-Location menu,
- Click location named "ABC",
- In the edti window, change the name to "DEF" (also need chagne other info like address etc)
- Click OK button to save it.
That's it.
This method suitable for only one machine in locaiton "ABC" and you want to KEEP all sales hisotry of this machine too.
2: Create a new location
- If the new location "DEF" not exist yet, just got to System->Location menu and then click Create button to create it. If already exist, go to next step.
- go to System->Machine menu, tick checkbox to select the machine you want to move. Then click Update button.
- In Machine Edit window, select the "DEF" in location drop down list.
- Click OK to save it.
This suitable for MORE than one machine in locaiton "ABC" and not all of them moving to location "DEF".
This also keep all the history sales data of the machine.